Monday, February 23, 2009

What do you think about your topic?

I think my topic runs through every corner of life and the state of current madness is. The decline of values has trickled all the way done to the very core of existence. We know not what has happened to the state that was once above and beyond most of the states that had preceded it. No one realy cares. What has happened? Where will we being heading? I know all thingsd are lie. Nothing is wat it seems. Everything appears to be every color except for what it truely is. Is the education system of the United States similiar to what colors are like. I hope I have come to a comprehensive understanding of what has happened and where we are going.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Second Blog of February 16, 2009

I believe the people who would be interested in learning about this topic are young adults who are seeking a post high school education, as well as people who are seeking careers in educatio. These people would generally be late teenage through early thirties in how old they are. These people are generally people who are trying to plan their future and want to know what they can do to improve themselves. The people who would actually read the research I had done are people who already care about their education. The reaction would be the same between peo[ple of either sex. The economic level the people are at has no bearing on who would read this article.
Many people who find out about this would become starled at the complete decay and collapse this culture is in.

People often know that many people are stupid, but don't know to what extent people allow themselves to become ignorant. The Unite States is now at a state reminiscent of the fall of the Roman Empire. In many cases schools receive a funding after great upheavel from the local people. Rarely is any local policy passed without argument. This could be taken as an indicator many people do not care about education because they do not believe this will affect them.

People will have to know what education was like before now and what successful policies has been implicated in the past. People can only come to a successful conclusion about something if they find out what has already been done and what has happened.

This project would benefit people in several ways. One advantage would be to inspire them to reexamine there lives because of the facts that have been given. Another advantage may be it helps them with understanding why the education system is the why it is. It is also something that will tell people why they should seek and appreciate education and learning.

People will disagree with my research on many aspects. One of these things would be the result of the capitalistic model that is in place. Other things people might strongly disagree with are the theories about education.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Robert Johnson Weekend

This weekend I did several things. On Friday my brother wanted to allow a homicidal child to stay with us over night and I told him I did not feel comfortable to allow this. I also went to a church service. On Saturday I spent my mourning clearing a house so that it could be ridden of bed bugs. After I had returned from cleaning the house, I did my homework and studied. On Sunday mourning I went to church with my brother and father. It was my nineteenth birthday. No one at the church knew it was my ninteenth birthday, but my brother told them and it was made note of.