Friday, January 30, 2009

Robert Johnson Internet Evaluation CARS checklist

The agenda of the internet article I found is titled "Older Adult Education in the United States". This article was written by Doctor Ronald J. Manheimer of the University of North Carolina at Asheville. This article is written by a doctor from a University who is in charge of the University of North Carolina's Center for Creative Retirement. The author is someone that could be considered an expert on the education of adults. His career is providing education to retired aged adults.
This article makes many statements that may be should not be accepted at face value. One of these statements is new organizations that increase the assimilation of new knowledge will have an increase in participation as a result of rapid technological changes. This can't be excepted at face value because it is impossible to know what effects new organizations will have before they begin. Some of the author's statements reflect opinion as opposed to hard core facts. One opinion of Doctor Manheimer is learning beside younger people will be attractive to the older population. All these things go along with the author's intended purpose of promoting the University of North Carolina's Center for Creative Retirement. Although opinions are stated several times in the article, facts are stated with the source of the information being stated within the contents of the article. One of the facts stated is the percentage of senior citizens attending college, which was information gathered by the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education.
The author also describes benefits of other organizations for the education of the elderly. He does not list anything negative about any organization or make any reference alluding to North Carolina Center for Creative Retirement being any better to the other organizations. The author does not state anything negative about the Center for Creative Retirement. Nothing he says appears to conterdict anything else in the article and the author has one clear thought throughout the entire article.
Many claims Dr. Manheimer makes are cited and he gives a complete list of all his sources. He also has a section on where to find more information. Although this article is supported by many sources, it may be outdated because it is from 2002. A lot may have changed since then and much of the information presented in this article may be absolete or very different at the current time.

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