Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The diversity of Life is Amazing

Taking a look around outside I can see all sorts of different lifeforms. God created so many different sorts of creatures and loves the evolution of them. The grass on the groungd is so abundant and beautiful. The birds chirp and sing a lovely song. Nature at its best. Underneath all the beauty of nature, I know there is always a good chance of disaster. I once saw a puppy infected with the parvo virus. This virus was eating the dog from the inside to the point where its organs were outside of its body while it was still alive. The dog sat there suffering dying from a slow gruesome death. Many deseases exist in nature. All things pass away eventually. All the splendid glories of the natural world will eventually give death and destruction. Nothing last for ever.

Sinclair Community College

I attend Sinclair Community College. Sinclair Community College is considered to be one of the best community colleges in the United States as well as the school with the lowest tuition in the state of Ohio. I do not have to spend a penny to go to school year, in fact I have even been receiving money for going to school here. My Junior and Senior year of high school I was in a program where if I graduated with a 3.5 or above I would be given both a free lab top and two years of schooling at Sinclair with my tution paid for. The class I was in proved to be a lucky break in my life and I have greatly benefited from enrolling in it. I hope I receive as much education as I can. I also hope I do not waiste any classes. Sinclair has so far proven to be a valuable experience for me. I use to think college would be all knitting gritty with everyone being cruel, but this has proven not to be true. I have met several good people here at Sinclair and I have the feeling there will be many more good things to come.

The Best Fantasy Saga Ever

Star Wars is the best science fantasy story ever written. People, places and events often intrigue me to a great degree. Many people are only familiar with the six movies that have been released, byt there are many more items that expanded upon the Star Wars Universe and are often more exciting than the six films. Somethings I have always liked about Star Wars are the Force powers of certain characters. The Jedi have super powers given to them by the Force's light side which consists of all the love, mercy and compassion that exists in the universe. The Sith are other Force users who stand in a sharp contrast to the Jedi. The Sith's powers stem from the Force's dark side, which consists of all the anger, hatred and raw emotions that exist in the world. Many things in Star Wars are very inspiring. One event I find very inspirational is the destruction of the Death Star by Luke Skywalker. In contrast to the inspirational aspects involved with the Star Wars saga, there is also horrible cruelties seen and implied. One of these things that would be horrifying is Anakin Skywalker killing the younglings in the Jedi Temple. All these things are reasons Star Wars is definately the best fantasy saga ever.

Monday, March 16, 2009


This photograph is of Neil Armstrong supposedly on the moon. I do have to question weather this photograph is actually of the moon. The flag appears to be flowing with the wind. This would be unlikely on Earth's moon because our moon is to small to hold an atmosphere, which means there would be no air or wind. I think it's a hoax set up to show support for anti-Communism. This is anti-Soviet propaganda for the sake of spreading American influence around the world. There is always the possibility that Neil Armstrong actually went to moon, if this is true then it marked a great feat for humanity.

If I could do this Quarter Over Again

If I could do this quarter over again, I would adjust how I scheduled my classes. In November I really didn't pay much attention to the times I was scheduling my classe, but more only the days I was scheduling my classes. This lead me to days in which I only had class for 50 minutes. This limited me as to what I could do on Fridays for the sake of 50 minutes of class. This proved difficult for me in anumber of different ways. I was going to have a job at a Family Dollar, but was unable to because of school on Friday.

Robert Johnson English 112

English 112 this year has been a very interesting class. Normally English classes are incredibly pooring and often redundant. I do feel I learned a little bit in this class. The research project enlightened me with information of various things. I do not feel I have been responsible enough in this class to have obtained an adequate level of knowledge this class could have provided. I wish I took this more serious. Sometimes I want to be here and sometimes I do not. Things sometimes don't work smoothly. One thing that disappointed me about this class was the fact it was only 50 minutes long and it was the only class I had on Fridays. The fact i was only here for 50 minutes on Fridays sometimes gave me the feeling I really didn't want to come in on those days. Although I had some grudges regarding English 112, I haave found it to be quite useful.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Barack Obama

I hope Barack Obama does a good job. I know he is quite young, which may mean he is naive. I voted for him even though I thought he was a terrible canidate because of Joe Biden and I figured he was the least of all the evils. I have came to the realization elections are often decided on the basis of who tells the best lies. The Jezebel spirit was emminant in the election. Where have all the leaders gone? Is there a good leaders in any of the candidates? I know all democracies lead to dictatorships. The term dictator is often demonized, but it is the most effective government that has ever been brought about by man except for theocracy. Democracy is the downfall of civilization.