Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Best Fantasy Saga Ever

Star Wars is the best science fantasy story ever written. People, places and events often intrigue me to a great degree. Many people are only familiar with the six movies that have been released, byt there are many more items that expanded upon the Star Wars Universe and are often more exciting than the six films. Somethings I have always liked about Star Wars are the Force powers of certain characters. The Jedi have super powers given to them by the Force's light side which consists of all the love, mercy and compassion that exists in the universe. The Sith are other Force users who stand in a sharp contrast to the Jedi. The Sith's powers stem from the Force's dark side, which consists of all the anger, hatred and raw emotions that exist in the world. Many things in Star Wars are very inspiring. One event I find very inspirational is the destruction of the Death Star by Luke Skywalker. In contrast to the inspirational aspects involved with the Star Wars saga, there is also horrible cruelties seen and implied. One of these things that would be horrifying is Anakin Skywalker killing the younglings in the Jedi Temple. All these things are reasons Star Wars is definately the best fantasy saga ever.

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