Monday, March 16, 2009

Robert Johnson English 112

English 112 this year has been a very interesting class. Normally English classes are incredibly pooring and often redundant. I do feel I learned a little bit in this class. The research project enlightened me with information of various things. I do not feel I have been responsible enough in this class to have obtained an adequate level of knowledge this class could have provided. I wish I took this more serious. Sometimes I want to be here and sometimes I do not. Things sometimes don't work smoothly. One thing that disappointed me about this class was the fact it was only 50 minutes long and it was the only class I had on Fridays. The fact i was only here for 50 minutes on Fridays sometimes gave me the feeling I really didn't want to come in on those days. Although I had some grudges regarding English 112, I haave found it to be quite useful.

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